See the benefits of becoming an early adopter in the MicroSurvey Technology Innovation Group.
Fieldgenius for Android™ is new from the ground up. It includes a brand-new codebase and is built on a modern infrastructure and development platform. We want to support game changing technology, and we want your help to shape the product. By being an early adopter of any product, we know there will be challenges along the way.


- A perpetual license of FGA. Future releases are likely to migrate to annual licenses. Customers who purchase V1 will retain their perpetual copy of FGA V1
- User voice – Actively participate in Alpha & Beta testing. Submit feedback to development to help shape upcoming features and requirements. Vote to help prioritize development efforts.
- Access to upcoming feature funnel list…. See what is coming in the next service pack.
- Free Annual Maintenance Subscription for until December 2020! – With the purchase of each V1 FGA from August 2nd to December 31st, 2019 customers who purchase V1 will receive free annual maintenance subscription allowing them to upgrade to all service packs and new product release as they come up. Without access to this, users would have to pay for each release.
V2 is scheduled for release by early 2021. After V2, access to the MTIG for FFA will be closed
Anticipated release schedule for MTIG V1 users
We have scheduled the first 5 releases of FGA
- August 2nd, 2019
- September 20th , 2019
- November 1st, 2019
- Dec 13th, 2019
- January 24th, 2020
NOTE: We plan to continue to release a new version every 6 weeks until the end of the MTIG
The initial release of V1 will be limited to GNSS and tablet support only. Specifications for tablet support can be found at the end of this document. V1 will not have all the same features as the current product and as it evolves, additional product levels or modules may be created.