FieldGenius 12

Exciting news for the surveying community! MicroSurvey has released FieldGenius Version 12. This release brings essential fixes and expands hardware support to enhance the surveying experience.

Release Notes

New features include:

  • Resection Report – Exportable report displaying resection computation results

Updated Hardware Support

You’ll find a variety of new GPS drivers and updated existing drivers supporting new functionality:

  • Emlid Reach RS – Added new driver to support Reach RS2/RS3 models
  • GeoMAX Zenith60 – Updated driver to address height issues when using base/rover configuration
  • GeoMAX Zenith60 – Addressed issue with BL records missing in the raw file
  • Spherefix SP40, SP30, SP20 – Added new driver support
  • TokNav T20 Pro, T20, T10 Pro, T5, T5 Lite – Added new driver support