
MicroSurvey CAD Training Movies

NOTES:The training movies have been updated so that all demonstrations use MicroSurvey CAD 2016 or newer. If required, you can download all of the MicroSurvey CAD movies to your computer for offline viewing. Please ensure that Flash is enabled when viewing on a PC. Movies will play on an Android device. Movies will play on an iOS device, you can ignore the prompt to install the “Techsmith” app. For maximum viewing you can press F11 to hide some of your toolbars. Press it again to restore the toolbars. Table of contents or Playback controllers will “autohide,” but you can restore them by mousing over the playback area. Overview movies will end with a collection of clickable links so you can access further related information on the topic.



Movie Section List


CAD to Field

COGO Commands

Batch COGO

Various CAD Commands

Various Line Commands

Survey Editing Commands

Misc. Survey Commands

Survey Drawing Commands

Data Collectors/Traverses

Area Calculations

Subd. Lot/House Design

Tables and Ties

Raster Images

Surface Modeling & Contours (Premium)

Volume Calculations (Premium)

AutoRoute Examples (Premium)

Point Cloud Movies (Ultimate)

Legacy Movies





How to Register your Program

Start the program and overview

Managing MicroSurvey Settings

MicroSurvey System Toggles

MicroSurvey Labeling Defaults

Hot Toggles Explained

Managing CAD Settings

AutoMap Library Overview

MicroSurvey Smart Entities

Saving and Backup

Customizing your Workspace

Plot from Layout Space

Plot from Model Space

Explorer Dialog Overview

Entity Properties Overview

Mouse options – CADLines/Curves Text Editing


CAD to Field

Open or Import CAD

Drawing Cleanup Tools

Adding Single Points

Adding Multiple Points

Save to CAD and Other Formats

Save to Field Formats


COGO Commands

Start COGO – Enter new Point – Bearing Distance entry

Turned Angle entry

Two Point Inverse

Bearing – Bearing Intersection

Distance – Distance Intersection

3 Point Inverse for Curves and Offset Reports

Bearing – Distance Intersection

Deflection Angle entry

Bearing Offset entry

Bearing + Angle entry

Distance entry as a Formula

Distance – Angle Intersection

Curve entry

Distance – Distance Intersection

COGO Entry with Bearing Rotation

Output Scale factor and Labeling Styles

Input Scale Factor

Enter a Lot using Azimuths


Hot Toggles



Batch COGO

Batch COGO – New Batch and Lot Entry

Batch COGO – House Corners

Batch COGO – Edit and Rerun

Batch COGO – Continue and Edit Again


Various CAD Commands


How To draw a Line

How To draw an Arc

How to Draw and Edit a Polyline (2D vs 3D)

How To Trim a Line or Arc

How to Trim around Text

The Move command

Extending Lines and Arcs

Offset, 1 side or both

Offset a house and Hatch the house footprint

Boundary Hatch to Exclude Text

Copy Object Properties

Fillet Lines and Polylines

Scale objects up or down in size

Place and Move Text, Break Line

Edit Length Command

3D Viewing and Shade/Render

Zooming and Panning Options

Draw a Wipeout

Insert Drawing

Symbol Librarian

Erase Command

Erase Selected

Erase Outside

Changing Appearance of Point Nodes

Inquiry Commands

Spell Checker

Multiline Text

Write Block to Disk

3D Curve

Cursor Settings



Various Line Commands


Parking Stalls

Right of Way

Join Points by Range

Best Fit Line

Best Fit Curve

Split the backlines of a block into short segments

X,Y,Z Coding Linework Generation

SDRMap Linework Generation



Survey Editing Commands

Active Coordinate Editor (Overview – Part 1)

Active Coordinate Editor (Overview – Part 2)

Rotate – CAD Method

Rotate – Survey Method

Surveyors View (Part 1)

Surveyors View (Part 2)

Rescale Drawing and Point Update

Rotate Translate and Scale

CAD Lines Dialog

CAD Curves Dialog

Point Editing and GRIPS options

CAD Polylines Dialog “Smart Polylines”

Point Blocks


Point Commands

Google Earth and Google Maps Support

Coordinate History

Locked Points

Compute Stakes

Stake Out Report

List Points Used/Unused + ADT List

Zoom to a Point

Curve Problem Solver

MS Text Dialog

Independent Point options and Settings (IPN, IPD, IPE)


Group Manager Multi-Point and ADT Selection/Editing

Lot Closure Report (Map Check)

Lot Closure Report with a Detail and Edits

Helmert’s Transformation

Geodetic Options – Transform Points

Import Shapefiles and GIS Data

Transfer Points Between MicroSurvey Jobs

Other Program Ties



Survey Drawing Commands

Title Block Insertion in Modelspace

Insert Title Block in Layout

Copy and Paste Between 2 Drawings

Mapping Grid command

Create a Detail Blowup of part of the Drawing

Labeling Lot Numbers

Labeling Lines

Label Curves

Other Labeling Options

Label Polylines


Data Collectors/Traverses

FieldGenius SyncWizard

Leica DBX Import

Import TDS RW5 or RAW

Jobxml Import

ASCII import

Manually Enter a Traverse

Draw, Coordinate and get Closure on Traverse

Angular and Compass Adjustments

New Existing Point Traverse

Least Squares Adjustment

Export to STAR*NET


Area Calculations

Area using point numbers

Fast Area by Picking Objects

Calculate Area by Sliding Bearing

Calculate Area by Swinging into a Curve

Calculate Area by Swinging into a Line

Calculate Radial Lot Line for a given Area


Subdivision Lot/House Design

Lot Definition

Design a House and place House on Lot

Create a Block and Subdivide into Lots

Place Houses on Lots, Generate Reports


Tables and Ties

Multiple radial ties and Table

Multiple Perpendicular Ties

Curve Table

House Ties

Coordinate Table

Line Table


Raster Images

Insert and Manipulate Raster Images

Placing and Clipping a Geo-referenced Image

Insert Bing Imagery



Surface Modeling & Contours (Premium)

Creating a Surface from Points and Breaks

Special Cases for Surface Creation

Inspecting your Surface

Controlling Display of Surface with Boundaries

Drawing and Labeling Contours

Intersect Slope

3D Offset

Auto Site Design


MS Flatten


Volume Calculations (Premium)

Choosing a Volumetrics Method

Surface Volumetrics

Volumes using the Area Method

Verifying Area Method Volume Results

Entity Volumetrics and Surface Area



AutoRoute Examples (Premium)

Create or Import Horizontal Alignment

Create or Import Vertical Alignment

Create Template

Using the Alignment Browser and Creating a Design Surface

Plotting Cross Sections from an Alignment

Label Alignment

Sewer Design


Create a Table of Structures


Point Cloud Movies (Ultimate and Studio)

Open Cyclone Database

Import Cyclone Database

Import Other Pointcloud Formats

Import Leica Multistation

View Options

Clipping and Slicing

Creating a Bare Earth Digital Terrain Model

Stockpile Volume Calculation

Creating Cross Sections

Using the “Floor and Wall” Tool

Using Smart Pick Viewport

Draw a Building Footprint using the “Wall and Wall” Tool

Drafting Architectural Features using the “Wall” Tool



Legacy Movies

Convert FLX to DWG using batch processing

Download and Import from SDR33

Export Points to SDR20 Data Collector file

Upload points to the SDR20 Collector