
Download MicroSurvey CAD 2024

When downloading, choose “Save-As” as opposed to “Run”. It is best to download files directly to your hard drive before running them. Your representative will contact you with your free demo license within 72 hours.


MicroSurvey CAD Demo


This downloadable version will run for 30 days as a full version. You can create jobs, download from data collectors, process traverses, calculate contours or volumes, and plot finished results. FREE training movies are shipped to you when you purchase.

The download includes Studio, Ultimate, Premium, Standard, and Basic editions.

Leica Cyclone 9.1.1
For Point Cloud functionality, you will also need to install Leica Cyclone 9.1.1.

A Cyclone license is not required, the free demo viewer is sufficient for all MicroSurvey CAD point cloud functionality.

A Cyclone license is required for certain functionality with Leica Cyclone itself, such as registering, cleaning and unifying point clouds, etc.