Upcoming Training: STAR*NET & MicroSurvey CAD

Upcoming Training: STAR*NET & MicroSurvey CAD

STAR*NET Certified Online Training | December 2023 This course will prepare you to use most aspects of STAR*NET. Attendees at this session will gain experience using converters, setting up a STAR*NET project, selecting or computing appropriate apriori values...
Upcoming Training: STAR*NET Certification

Upcoming Training: STAR*NET Certification

STAR*NET Certified Online Training | November 2022 Please join us November 15 for a MicroSurvey STAR*NET Certification online training session.  This course will prepare you to use most aspects of STAR*NET.  Attendees at this session will gain experience using...
STAR*NET Online Certified Training

STAR*NET Online Certified Training

Please join us this spring for a MicroSurvey STAR*NET Certification online training session. This course will prepare you to use most aspects of STAR*NET. Attendees at this session will gain experience using converters, setting up a STAR*NET project, selecting or...
STAR*NET Online Training

STAR*NET Online Training

MicroSurvey’s popular STAR*NET Certification courses are now available for you to take on your own schedule! Users can either pick and choose through the six in-depth courses ranging from basic to advanced topics to learn more on a specific area or purchase the course...
Upcoming Webinars | June 17, June 24

Upcoming Webinars | June 17, June 24

To be Released this Month embeddedCAD and inCAD 2021! Do you use inCAD or embeddedCAD, and need compatibility with the newly-released AutoCAD 2021? Coming soon in the 2021 release set, you can pair AutoCAD features like XREF and Drawing Compare or greatly improved...
Upcoming Webinars | June 3, June 10

Upcoming Webinars | June 3, June 10

Curious About What Our Android™ Field Software Is Really Like? Explore the possibilities of a modern data collection platform that is compatible with hundreds of GNSS surveying receivers, and Android-powered tablets, phablets, and phones. Version 1.5 has just...