- 2014May 9
CS-Map Coordinate System Engine
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STAR*NET 8 includes over 3800 predefined coordinate systems worldwide, plus a new custom coordinate system editor which supports datum transformation and projection types not previously supported.
Geoid Modeling
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STAR*NET 8 includes direct support for selecting .bin or .byn geoid models published by national agencies like the United States National Geodetic Survey and Natural Resources Canada, without requiring conversion to .ght format using the free STAR*Geoid utility. This includes Canada’s newer .byn format for geoids like HT2.0.
Leica DBX Conversion Utility
The STAR*Leica DBX conversion utility has several improvements, including the ability to convert Resection data, and to convert Sets of Angles data using either the average of each set (as before) or using all shots.
- 2012May 31
Network Plot Imagery
Enhance your network plot with georeferenced raster images and other data files, using local files or online sources. Over 150 supported file formats including Raster Images,
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Enhance your network plot with georeferenced raster images and other data files, using local files or online sources. Over 150 supported file formats including Raster Images, DWG/DXF Drawings, Shapefiles, MrSID, LiDAR, GeoPDF, GeoTIFF, Microstation DGN, ASCII Coordinates, ESRI, ERDAS, Garmin, KML, COLLADA, Sketchup, and many many many more. Stream online imagery from any WMS (Web Map Service), WCS (Web Coverage Service), OSM (OpenStreetMap Tiles), Google Maps Tiles, or TMS (Tile Map Service) source.
Multilanguage Translations
STAR*NET can now be translated into any language, and STAR*NET dealers and users across the globe are already
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STAR*NET can now be translated into any language, and STAR*NET dealers and users across the globe are already hard at work translating the program. Please contact MicroSurvey Software Inc for information on specific languages, or to help translate STAR*NET into your language. STAR*NET and all of the conversion utilities are now Unicode compatible to support non-latin character sets. An option to encode all input and output files as either ANSI or Unicode is available in the new Language Selection dialog. Spanish, Russian, and Chinese Traditional versions of STAR*NET are now available.
Leica DBX Conversion Utility
A new standalone Leica DBX conversion utility (licensed separately) is now available for importing both c
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A new standalone Leica DBX conversion utility (licensed separately) is now available for importing both conventional and/or GPS data from Leica DBX databases. Several fixes have been implemented since STAR*LeicaDBX v7.2.0.12 which was previously available as a zip download from our website, see details below.
Fully Functional Demo
A fully-functional 10-day demo period has been added, during which you can run the fully-featured STAR*NET-PRO edition
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A fully-functional 10-day demo period has been added, during which you can run the fully-featured STAR*NET-PRO edition plus all of the STAR*NET data conversion utilities. After 10 days, you can continue to run the feature-limited STAR*NET-DEMO edition, which has all the capabilities of STAR*NET-PRO but is limited to an adjustment of 10 stations, 100 observations, and 15 GPS vectors.
Multilanguage Translations
Spanish, Russian, and Chinese Traditional versions of STAR*NET are now available.
- 2011Sep 9
NGS OPUS-RS Report Support
The OPUS report importer now also works with OPUS-RS (Rapid Static) reports.
Trimble JobXML Vector Importer
GPS Vectors can now be imported from Trimble JobXML (*.jxl) data files, via the Vector Importer command directly within STAR*NET Pro.
Trimble JobXML Conversion Utility
A new standalone STAR*JobXML conversion utility (licensed separately) is now available for importing both conventional and/or GPS data from Trimble JobXML (*.jxl) data files.
- 2011Jul 8
Integrated Data Editor
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STAR*NET 7 has a fully integrated data editor, which offers customizable syntax highlighting (colors/fonts), bookmarking and jumping to bookmarked lines, and no more need for an external text editor like notepad (although that’s still an available option).
Customizable Interface
STAR*NET 7 has a brand-new interface which is highly customizable to suit your specific workflow or preferences
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STAR*NET 7 has a brand-new interface which is highly customizable to suit your specific workflow or preferences – move and resize panels, collapse and expand panels, stack panels into a tabbed interface, dock panels into the main interface or leave them floating, customize the toolbars and menus, use small or large toolbar icons, and more!
Find Point
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An advanced Find Point tool allows you to quickly locate and jump to any references of a specific point ID in any of your input data files, by simply double-clicking a point name in any of your output files (Listing, Coordinates, Ground, Lat/Long, Error Log, Dump, etc). No more pouring through thousands of lines of data codes looking for references to a specific point, a simple double-click now does all this eye-straining work for you!
Differential Levelling Loop Closure Check
Quickly detect loop closure errors in your level networks using the new Level Loop Check command found in the Run menu. This is a powerful blunder detection tool for leveling data!
GPS Vector Loop Closure Check
Quickly detect loop closure errors in your GPS vector networks using the new GPS Loop Check command found in the Run menu. This is a powerful blunder detection tool for GPS data!
Point Aliasing
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A new “.ALIAS” inline option is available which you can use to define point aliases by explicitly naming the aliases, or by specifying a prefix, suffix, or additive number to define an aliasing scheme that corresponds with your field procedures. A point can then be aliased by one or more points with non-unique point names that get translated to another point name. Note, aliased points are not currently identified by the new Find Point tool.
Lost Stations
A new “.LOSTSTATIONS” inline option is available to identify points which are no longer physically available, lost stations will be included in the network processing but can be left off of the resulting plot if desired.
GPS Sideshots
Two new “.GPS NETWORK” and “.GPS SIDESHOT” inline options can be inserted prior to any G1 vector records to define the following vectors either as part of the network or as sideshot type records that are processed after the network has been adjusted so they do not affect the network solution.
GPS Antenna Height Corrections
A new “.GPS AddHiHt [HI] [HT]” inline option is available to specify or correct GPS base and rover antenna height blunders.
Project Manager
A new Project Manager is now available for quickly opening and creating projects.
Template Data File
A new template mechanism allows you to customize a template data file that is automatically added to new projects, for example you can now automatically include coordinate records for your local control network, etc.
2D GPS Adjustments
2D Adjustments of GPS Data is now possible.
EGM2008 Geoid Support
The STAR*Geoid extraction utility can now extract data from the EGM2008 geoid for creating STAR*NET-compatible geoid and vertical deflection model files.
NGS OPUS Report Support
An importer for reading vector data from NGS OPUS Reports into STAR*NET .gps data files is now available in the GPS Vector Importer.
MicroSurvey FieldGenius Support
A conversion utility for converting MicroSurvey FieldGenius data collection software .raw files to STAR*NET .dat files.
MicroSurvey FieldGenius Support
An importer for reading vector data from MicroSurvey FieldGenius data collection software .raw files into STAR*NET .dat data files is now available in the GPS Vector Importer.
Long Point Name support
A new “Full Point Names” option in the Listing File Options screen prevents long point names from being cut off at 10-characters. This replaces the previously undocumented .LNAMES inline option available in STAR*NET 6.
Quick File References
A new “Quick File References” option in the Listing File Options screen allows you to display references to the first occurrence of a file and line number referencing each point. This replaces the undocumented .QFILEREF inline option available in STAR*NET 6.
Redefinable Fixed StdErr Constants
A new “Fixed StdErr” option group in the General Options screen allows you to to redefine the StdErr used when something is defined as “Fixed”, previously it was hard coded to 1E-7m or 1.0001E-3 seconds but in rare occasions this had to be loosened to allow certain networks to process. This replaces the undocumented .QFIX inline option available in STAR*NET 6.