


  • 2018Sep 14

MicroSurvey CAD 2018 Service Pack

Performance Improvements
Critical fixes for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, faster response when clicking on smart objects and faster response when ending CAD commands.
Important Fixes
With a strong emphasis on stability and reliability, this service pack fixes many important issues in COGO, AutoMAP Library, Lot Closures, and more!
Draw Architectural Objects
Quickly model a 3D building with new commands to draw walls, doors, windows, openings, floor slabs, and roof slabs.
IntelliCAD® 8.4a
IntelliCAD® 8.4a includes significant improvements to editing in-place blocks and external references, selecting entities on locked layers and editing multiline text.
  • 2017Nov 3

MicroSurvey CAD 2018

Powered by IntelliCAD 8.4
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI6obYLfG10″ image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/mI6obYLfG10/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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MicroSurvey CAD 2018 is built on the latest IntelliCAD engine, IntelliCAD 8.4. (MicroSurvey CAD 2017 was built on IntelliCAD 8.2a.) A key addition is the support of version 2018 .dwg files. Initial support of the latest .dwg file version 2018 does require conversion in MicroSurvey CAD 2018, and native support is expected soon.

IntelliCAD 8.4 is a major release that includes many new features and improvements. IntelliCAD 8.4 boosts performance during screen redraw and while snapping in files with underlays. Running on 4K monitors and switching between monitors with high resolutions is now supported. Create entities with the new Multileader, Quick Leader, and Break Line commands. Add styles using the new Multileader Styles Manager and Multiline Style commands. Select entities using the new Select Similar and Get Selection commands. Explode entities with more precision according to entity type using the new Explode Text and Explode Attributes commands. Add more formatting to text using the in-place Multiline Editor and line spacing, lists, and paragraph justification. Add automatic numbering to text, multiline text, multileaders, or block attributes using the new Auto Number command. Get more information about your drawings using the new Drawing Properties command. Another new feature is found in the updated Customize command which allows users to customize the user interface with less effort and share custom user interface settings easily between files and computers. You can drag-and-drop settings to customize menus, the ribbon, application button, and quick access toolbar, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, and aliases.

Shapefile Import
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vulX6mNB1s” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/1vulX6mNB1s/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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Import Esri Shapefile data into your drawing, with optional positional and/or attribute filters to control and limit exactly which features to import from often very large data sets.

Import various GIS data formats including Esri Shapefiles (*.shp and others), GPS Exchange Format (*.gpx), Google Earth KML/KMZ (*.kml,*.kmz) and GeoJSON (*.geojson,*.json). Remap the attribute names to your own custom names so data sets from multiple independent sources can be correlated and processed together with single queries. Modify the filters or attribute mappings of any imported data on-the-fly, without having to re-import anything if you want to change the import parameters. Point features (like control monuments or landmarks) can be drawn as simple CAD nodes or imported into your points database, and the Point ID, Description, and/or elevation can be populated by attribute values. Polyline features (like roads or rivers) can be drawn as polylines or imported into your polylines database. For example: rivers, roads, or property lines. Polygon features (like lakes or lots) can be drawn as boundary hatches, with the boundary polyline optionally being imported into your polylines database. Attributes can be viewed for any imported data, or queries can be run for mining specific attribute data from the Shapefiles.

JobXML Import
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcZyC5bKpds” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/vcZyC5bKpds/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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Import Trimble® and Spectra Precision® JobXML data files including point coordinates, GPS coordinates, and total station measurements.
3D Point Labels
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGrUBeohY5A” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/YGrUBeohY5A/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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A new “3D Point Labels” system toggle lets you draw point labels either in 2D at z=0 (default, as previous) or at each point node’s 3D elevation. The previous “2D Draw Mode” system toggle was renamed to “2D Point Nodes” to clarify the difference between these two options.
  • 2017Jul 21

MicroSurvey CAD 2017

Powered by IntelliCAD 8.2a
IntelliCAD 8.2 is a major release that includes more options added to existing features that export 2D .pdf files, export .bmp files, and attach underlays;
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IntelliCAD 8.2 is a major release that includes more options added to existing features that export 2D .pdf files, export .bmp files, and attach underlays; new in-place multiline text editor; new support for maximizing and minimizing viewports; and various other new commands such as BCOUNT, IMAGEFRAMEMODE, FIELD, and TEXTTOFRONT. IntelliCAD 8.2 also includes improved performance when working with complex blocks, panning and zooming, exporting to .pdf files, and more.

IntelliCAD 8.2a is a maintenance release that contains over 125 improvements and fixes since the IntelliCAD 8.2 release . Improvements in IntelliCAD 8.2a include various fixes for external references, the user interface, and many more, as well as small additions such as new RIBBON and RIBBONCLOSE commands and a new FILTERS command.

In addition, more than 975+ issues have been resolved during the IntelliCAD 8.2 and 8.2a product development cycles.

See below for additional details about what’s new and fixed in IntelliCAD 8.2 and 8.2a.

Cloud Storage Support
Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and other cloud storage and synchronization services are now supported.
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Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and other cloud storage and synchronization services are now supported.

Open and save your drawings directly in your favourite third-party cloud storage service’s folder.

A subscription to a third-party service(s) is required, it is not provided by or through MicroSurvey in any way.

Smart Point Blocks
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiK0Fkv-jVw” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/RiK0Fkv-jVw/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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Points can now be drawn, as either a point node and text labels (as in previous versions) or as a point block that combines these elements into one object.

Labels within the point block can be edited (position and rotation) with automatic leaders connecting from the labels back to the point node.

Smart Polylines
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9A91QBCS2A” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/mI6obYLfG10/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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A new “3D Point Labels” system toggle lets you draw point labels either in 2D at z=0 (default, as previous) or at each point node’s 3D elevation. The previous “2D Draw Mode” system toggle was renamed to “2D Point Nodes” to clarify the difference between these two options.
Angular Units
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYr2t11ubG4″ image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/mI6obYLfG10/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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Specify an angular unit for each drawing, including Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (as in previous versions), Decimal Degrees, or Gons/Gradians. The specified angular unit setting will be used for all input/output throughout the program.
Attach Imagery (Bing Maps)
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l-L1CvN8KY” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/6l-L1CvN8KY/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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Instantly download and attach imagery from Bing® Maps as a raster image file.

Specify the area of interest by Point ID, Current View, Lat/Long, or Street Address.

Specify the image type (Aerial, Road or Hybrid), coverage area, and resolution.

Align the imagery to either georeferenced or local point coordinates.

To use this command, please contact MicroSurvey. A license for the Bing Maps module will be provided to interested users at no cost.

  • 2016May 31

MicroSurvey CAD 2016

Powered by IntelliCAD 8.1a
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfxmdmXaJk4″ image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/ZfxmdmXaJk4/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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MicroSurvey CAD 2016 is built on the latest IntelliCAD engine.

IntelliCAD 8.1 is a major release that supports Windows 10, and includes support for 2016 .dwg file format for both 32-bit and native 64-bit platforms.

It includes attaching, importing and exporting .dgn files, annotation scaling, publishing drawings, printing to .dwf (or .dwfx), drawing revision clouds, drawing helices, and various other new commands such as SETBYLAYER, XPLODE, TXT2MTXT, and AUTOCOMPLETE.

It also now supports multi-core processing when opening and regenerating files, which provides a 1.5 to 3 times performance improvement on multi-core computers.

Point Cloud Engine
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWxinW54NRc” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/DWxinW54NRc/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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MicroSurvey CAD 2016 Ultimate is powered by Leica EpcA (Embedded Point Cloud for Applications), which is the same point cloud engine that powers other Leica applications including Cyclone and CloudWorx.Leica Cyclone is used as the native point cloud database, and point cloud data can be imported from other manufacturers, Lidar systems, or aerial photogrammetry systems.

Point Cloud data is now displayed directly within your CAD model space, and you can snap to the point cloud points using standard CAD tools. Dozens of new point cloud tools are now available for working with your point cloud data.

AutoMAP Library Group Codes
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_PPBTuWxVU” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/F_PPBTuWxVU/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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Two new options have been added which can dramatically simplify your AutoMAP Library and make initial configuration much faster and easier. The new Group Codes option lets you use a single AutoMAP Library entry for multiple point descriptions. The new Group Range option lets you use the AutoMAP Library to match points based on their point ID being in a specified range.
Inverse Points to Alignment
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ygd-fMCgNg” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/7ygd-fMCgNg/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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With MicroSurvey CAD 2016, you can quickly inverse a list of points to a specified road alignment, including both its horizontal and vertical components. Quickly tabulate the point ID, station, offset, cut/fill, slope distance, and percent grade.
Import Collada Models
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn6uzd2kaf8″ image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/Zn6uzd2kaf8/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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Import .dae or .kmz models downloaded from the SketchUp 3D Warehouse, an online repository containing millions of 3D symbols. SketchUp and 3D Warehouse are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited.
Join 3D Polylines
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctq49IuRkUQ” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/ctq49IuRkUQ/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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The Join and Edit Polyline commands have been updated to support joining 3DPolylines in MicroSurvey CAD 2016.
Global Mapper Imagery
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyhrdXif0Dc” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/DyhrdXif0Dc/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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MicroSurvey CAD 2016 features many improvements to the global mapper command, including performance improvements, support for more units and coordinate systems, and bug fixes. Instantly access high-resolution 30cm orthorectified aerial imagery from the Hexagon Imagery Program (HxIP). (Note: a HxIP demo or subscription account is required.)

Imagery is now printable via the PRINT command so it can be included in plotted records, and for improved performance the automatic regeneration of imagery from online sources can be disabled and the imagery can be regenerated manually.

Join 3D Polylines
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctq49IuRkUQ” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/ctq49IuRkUQ/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”][/et_pb_video_lightbox]
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The Join and Edit Polyline commands have been updated to support joining 3DPolylines in MicroSurvey CAD 2016.
  • 2014Dec 12

MicroSurvey CAD 2015


Powered by IntelliCAD 8.0

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVHe6UYO4R0″ image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/EVHe6UYO4R0/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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MicroSurvey CAD 2018 is built on the latest IntelliCAD engine, IntelliCAD 8.4. (MicroSurvey CAD 2017 was built on IntelliCAD 8.2a.) A key addition is the support of version 2018 .dwg files. Initial support of the latest .dwg file version 2018 does require conversion in MicroSurvey CAD 2018, and native support is expected soon.

IntelliCAD 8.4 is a major release that includes many new features and improvements. IntelliCAD 8.4 boosts performance during screen redraw and while snapping in files with underlays. Running on 4K monitors and switching between monitors with high resolutions is now supported. Create entities with the new Multileader, Quick Leader, and Break Line commands. Add styles using the new Multileader Styles Manager and Multiline Style commands. Select entities using the new Select Similar and Get Selection commands. Explode entities with more precision according to entity type using the new Explode Text and Explode Attributes commands. Add more formatting to text using the in-place Multiline Editor and line spacing, lists, and paragraph justification. Add automatic numbering to text, multiline text, multileaders, or block attributes using the new Auto Number command. Get more information about your drawings using the new Drawing Properties command. Another new feature is found in the updated Customize command which allows users to customize the user interface with less effort and share custom user interface settings easily between files and computers. You can drag-and-drop settings to customize menus, the ribbon, application button, and quick access toolbar, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, and aliases.

Dynamic Licensing

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xqtq02yAJE” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/8Xqtq02yAJE/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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MicroSurvey CAD 2015 is now installed as one single installation containing all five different product levels: Basic, Standard, Premium, Ultimate, and Studio.

All product levels are pre-loaded and available in every MicroSurvey CAD 2015 install, and are activated dynamically by your USB license key. Use any valid key with any installation – no more reinstalling to change product levels!

AutoMAP Plotted Descriptions

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkYosz0kHqY” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/OkYosz0kHqY/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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A new “Use Plotted Description” option has been added to the Export ASCII commands which will write out the AutoMAP Plotted Descriptions in place of the Descriptions.

AutoMAP Substitution Codes

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nryks_PBBo” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/7nryks_PBBo/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Access field-coded parameters directly from your point descriptions and use them to control the Layer, Symbol, and other fields. (Previously available only in the Plotted Description field.)

COGO Bearing Rotation

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_abVsqPWyo” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/7_abVsqPWyo/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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A “Rotated Bearing/Azimuth” field has been added onto the CAD Lines and CAD Curves dialogs, to show both the original and rotated bearing/azimuth per the specified COGO Bearing Rotation angle. And, a “Rotated Chord Bearing/Azimuth” field has been added onto the CAD Lines and CAD Curves dialogs, to to show both the original and rotated chord bearing per the specified COGO Bearing Rotation angle.

Clusters, Draw Error Vectors

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EhC6q-HTH0″ image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/-EhC6q-HTH0/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Draw the error vectors of each cluster as polar or orthogonal lines, with an exaggeration factor and customizable color and layer properties depending on the pass/fail condition.

Google Earth (kml/kmz) Export

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPzKDa965SA” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/RPzKDa965SA/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Additional details are available in the Point and Line/Curve details, including point coordinates and line and curve information. New style options are available for specifying the point icon, icon size, and label size.

Leica DBX Import

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33EXjIxUmGE” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/33EXjIxUmGE/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Import Leica Codelists, and add its contents to your AutoMAP library.

Line/Curve/Multi-Tie Tables

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF1J4GMyIqw” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/xF1J4GMyIqw/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Use point IDs to specify which lines, curves, and ties you want to added to Line Table, Curve Table or Multi-Tie Table.

Line Labeling, Bearing Defaults

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a91hTrHTAAE” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/a91hTrHTAAE/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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A new option has been added into the Bearing Labeling Defaults to specify the number of spaces between the Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds values.

Point Cloud Conversion (.xyz files)

[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbmAhIIgD9w” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/PbmAhIIgD9w/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Conversion of XYZ files is more flexible, allowing conversion of “X Y Z”, “X Y Z R G B”, “X Y Z I”, and “X Y Z I R G B” data.
  • 2013Nov 22

MicroSurvey CAD 2014


Geospatial Data and Imagery
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IulPG62fx1w” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/IulPG62fx1w/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Enhance your drawing with geospatial data and imagery, loaded from local files or streamed from online sources.
Powered by Blue Marble Geographics’ Global Mapper SDK v15.
Over 150 supported file formats including Raster Images, Shapefiles, LiDAR, GeoPDF, GeoTIFF, Microstation DGN, ASCII Coordinates, ESRI, ERDAS, Garmin, KML, COLLADA, Sketchup, and many many many more…
Stream online imagery from any WMS (Web Map Service), WCS (Web Coverage Service), OSM (OpenStreetMap Tiles), Google Maps Tiles, TMS (Tile Map Service), WFS (Web Feature Services), or WMTS (tiled WMS) source.
Select MsTools > Global Mapper from the menus, or type GLOBAL_MAPPER at the command line.
2D Draw Mode
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51hu5pl7FmM” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/51hu5pl7FmM/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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A new “2D Draw Mode” System Toggle (in MsTools > MicroSurvey System Toggles, CAD Drawing Controls tab) is now available which causes all points to be drawn at z=0 while maintaining their true elevation in the coordinate database.
Switching this toggle On/Off will update existing points in the drawing as appropriate, causing them to be redrawn at the appropriate elevation.
The OSNAPZ system variable is also automatically turned On/Off with this mode so that new CAD entities will be drawn in 2D when snapping to 3D entities.
Database auditing tools will recognize when this option is enabled and will not attempt to fix the vertical descrepencies between the drawing and database.
MsTools > MicroSurvey System Toggles from the menus, or type CNF_EDIT_TOGGLES at the command line.
Settings Migration Wizard
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnS4m3xc1ws” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/jnS4m3xc1ws/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Easily backup and restore all program settings into a single file, for transferring to another workstation or for disaster recovery.
Backup and restore IntelliCAD settings including your IntelliCAD profile, template drawings, color books, print styles, printers, custom spelling dictionaries, linetypes, fonts, hatch patterns.
Backup and restore MicroSurvey settings including your configuration options, description translation file, AutoMap library files, AutoMap blocks, title blocks, house library, coordinate systems, surface modeling configuration files, and symbol library.
Select MsTools > Migration Wizard from the menus, or type MIGRATION_WIZARD at the command line.
Drawing Recovery Wizard
When opening a drawing where the expected .msz database file is not opened, the program will alert you and provide several options.
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When opening a drawing where the expected .msz database file is not opened, the program will alert you and provide several options.
A common scenario is if the program crashes, when you reopen the drawing it would always open with the orphaned .msj database folder which may be out of sync with the drawing (the .dwg and .msz files contain everything as of the last save, but the .msj database folder contains everything as of the crash).
Select a recovery option to reopen the last saved .dwg drawing and .msz database files, the last saved .dwg drawing file with the orphaned .msj database folder (as before), the backup .bak drawing and .mbz database files, the autosave .sv$ drawing and .mz$ database files, and more.
Archive all drawing and database files in their current state, so you don’t have to worry about making the wrong choice and losing any data.
There is no command to run; the Recovery Wizard will appear automatically if the program detects that an unexpected database file (not the .msz file) is being opened.
Updated Coordinate System Engine
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZnh0tfShgc” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/SZnh0tfShgc/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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The CS-Map coordinate system engine was updated to provide 100% cross-compatibility between MicroSurvey CAD and MicroSurvey FieldGenius.
Hundreds of new coordinate systems and geoids (previously available only for MicroSurvey FieldGenius) are available for download in the MicroSurvey Helpdesk.
Select a vertical system (ellipsoid or geoid) and perform vertical datum transformations.
Vertical Transformations
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B8rKjMi77M” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/3B8rKjMi77M/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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All commands that previously allowed a horizontal coordinate system transformation now also support vertical transformations.
To transform individual coordinates, select MsPoints > Geodetic > Manual Coordinate Conversion from the menus, or type LL_TRANSFORM_COORDINATES at the command line.
To transform your coordinate database, select MsPoints > Geodetic > Transform Database from the menus, or type TRANSFORM_COORDINATES at the command line.
To transform coordinates during ASCII Import, select MsPoints > Import ASCII or Lat/Long File from the menus, or type ASCII_IN at the command line.
To transform coordinates during ASCII Export, select MsPoints > Export ASCII or Lat/Long File from the menus, or type ASCII_OUT at the command line.
Store & Edit Geodetic Position
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6d223xUfGo” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/h6d223xUfGo/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Store & Edit the geodetic position of grid points using a new dialog with the same look-and-feel as the standard Store & Edit Points command.
Edit the Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Description, Note, etc for each point.
View the Northing and Easting for each point (read-only).
View the Combined Scale Factor for each point (read-only).
View the Convergence Angle for each point (read-only).
Use the new “Use Single Point Editor: Geodetic” System Toggle (in MsTools > MicroSurvey System Toggles) to use this dialog by default when clicking on a point in the drawing to edit it.
Select MsPoints > Store & Edit Geodetic Position in the menus, or type EDITPG at the command line.
Identify Geodetic Position
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA-oE87U8-4″ image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/DA-oE87U8-4/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Identify the geodetic position (including the Latitude, Longitude, Combined Scale Factor, and Convergence Angle) of grid points by clicking in your drawing.
Select MsPoints > ID Lat/Long of Point in the menus, or type IDG at the command line.
Label Geodetic Position
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks2iNFY7ols” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/ks2iNFY7ols/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Label the geodetic position (including the Latitude, Longitude, Combined Scale Factor, and Convergence Angle) of grid points in your drawing, with customizable format and precision options.
Select MsAnnotate > Add Lat/Long Label for a Point in the menus, or type LABLPNTG at the command line.
Coordinate System Search
[et_pb_video_lightbox src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7mx7npzT5A” image_src=”//i.ytimg.com/vi/I7mx7npzT5A/hqdefault.jpg” hide_overlayplay_button=”on” lightbox=”on” hide_video=”off” autoplay=”on” loop=”off” lightbox_background_color=”#ffffff” video_width=”50″ videolightbox_closeredirect_target=”off” pop_onload=”off” pop_onexit=”off” _builder_version=”3.12.2″ custom_css_main_element=”padding-right: 100px;”]


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Search for appropriate coordinate systems, based on a specified latitude/longitude position.
Select your appropriate system from the search results, and instantly set it as your drawing’s Coordinate System.
Select MsPoints > Geodetic > Coordinate System Search, or type CSSEARCH at the command line.
Active Coordinate Editor: Select Points by Description
You can now select points by description in the Active Coordinate Editor.
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You can now select points by description in the Active Coordinate Editor.
Includes options for case-sensitivity and matching the entire description.
Go to Select > Select By Description, within the Active Coordinate Editor window.
Active Coordinate Editor: Coordinate Systems
You can now view columns showing the Combined Scale Factor for each coordinate.
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You can now view columns showing the Combined Scale Factor for each coordinate.
You can now view columns showing the Convergence Angle for each coordinate.
You can now view columns showing the Elevation for each transformed coordinate.
The Coordinate Systems dialog has been reworked to make it more intuitive and easier to use.
Go to Tools > Coordinate Systems, within the Active Coordinate Editor window.
Point Cloud Export
Export the point cloud as a .PTS file which is compatible with many third-party point cloud applications.
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Export the point cloud as a .PTS file which is compatible with many third-party point cloud applications.
Export the point cloud as a .PCI file which is compatible with many MicroSurvey and Leica point cloud applications.
Export the entire point cloud, or constrain it within a cutting cube or profile slice.
Select the new “Export Points” button on the Point Cloud Line Work window. (Available in Ultimate and Studio versions only.)
Pentax Import
Import Pentax DC1 Polar, Pentax DC1 Rectangular, Pentax CSV, or Pentax AUX format data files from a Pentax total station.
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Import Pentax DC1 Polar, Pentax DC1 Rectangular, Pentax CSV, or Pentax AUX format data files from a Pentax total station.
The Pentax DC1 Polar format contains raw measurement data.
The Pentax DC1 Rectangular format contain point coordinates only.
The Pentax CSV format contain point coordinates only.
The Pentax AUX format contains raw measurement data.
Select MsTraverse > Read Collector Files In > Pentax DC1/CSV from the menus, or type PENTAX at the command line.
Scale Text Values
Scale text entity values (standard text, distance labels, or elevation labels) for conversion between different units or with a specified scale factor.
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Scale text entity values (standard text, distance labels, or elevation labels) for conversion between different units or with a specified scale factor.
Format the result using only the new value, both the old and new values, or stack the old and new values as separate text entities, using fully customizable prefix/suffix and seperator options.
Select MsAnnotate > Modify Text > Scale Text Values or type SCALEVAL at the command line.
Labeling Defaults: Width
Define text widths for all of the text styles in the MicroSurvey Labeling Defaults.
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Define text widths for all of the text styles in the MicroSurvey Labeling Defaults.
Select MsAnnotate > Labeling Defaults from the menus, or type CNF_EDIT_BEARINGS at the command line.
  • 2012Aug 15

MicroSurvey CAD 2013


Powered by IntelliCAD 7.2
MicroSurvey CAD 2013 is built on the latest IntelliCAD engine,
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MicroSurvey CAD 2013 is built on the latest IntelliCAD engine, IntelliCAD 7.2. See below for a summary of new IntelliCAD features.
Google Maps™ Support
View your points in Google Maps by clicking new Map buttons located in both the Single Point Editor and the Active Coordinate Editor.
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View your points in Google Maps by clicking new Map buttons located in both the Single Point Editor and the Active Coordinate Editor.
Select MsPoints | Store and Edit Points or MsPoints | Active Coordinate Editor from the menus, or type EDITP or COORDEDIT at the command line.
Google Earth™ Support
Export your points and linework to a .kml or .kmz file and view them in Google Earth.
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Export your points and linework to a .kml or .kmz file and view them in Google Earth.
Select MsPoints | Other Program Ties | Export to Google Earth from the menus, or type WRITEKML at the command line.
AutoMAP Substitution Codes
Access field-coded parameters directly from your point descriptions and automatically include them in your plotted annotations.
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Access field-coded parameters directly from your point descriptions and automatically include them in your plotted annotations.
Substitution codes follow the familiar LDD syntax, and include $0 to substitute the code, $1-$9 to substitute the first through ninth space-delimited parameter following the code, $+ to substitute all parameters following the code, $* to substitute the entire description including the code plus all parameters, and $$ to substitute a literal “$” character.
For example, specify a plotted description like $1 TREE (ht=$2’, trunk dia=$3”) in AutoMap to dynamically label your TREE points like TREE OAK 9 12 and TREE ELM 6 8 as OAK TREE (ht=9’, trunk dia=12”) and ELM TREE (ht=6’, trunk dia=8”).

Import Collada Models

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Import .dae or .kmz models downloaded from the SketchUp 3D Warehouse, an online repository containing millions of 3D symbols. SketchUp and 3D Warehouse are trademarks of Trimble Navigation Limited.

Join 3D Polylines

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The Join and Edit Polyline commands have been updated to support joining 3DPolylines in MicroSurvey CAD 2016.

AutoMAP Leading Wildcards
Use AutoMap entries with a leading wildcard like *CODE, a trailing wildcard like CODE*, or both a leading and trailing wildcard like *CODE* to make partial match
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Use AutoMap entries with a leading wildcard like *CODE, a trailing wildcard like CODE*, or both a leading and trailing wildcard like *CODE* to make partial matches of your point descriptions.
For example, an AutoMap entry like *IP* will now match points with descriptions like “NW CORNER IP BENT” and you can use the new Substitution Codes described above to produce appropriate plotted descriptions.
Distance Labeling Options
Include a customizable prefix and/or suffix in your distance annotation defaults.
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Include a customizable prefix and/or suffix in your distance annotation defaults.
Include a unit symbol (‘ or m) in your distance annotation defaults. (Previously only ‘ was supported.)
Select MsAnnotate | Labeling Defaults | Distances from the menus, or type CNF_EDIT_DISTANCES at the command line.
Slope Labeling Command
A new Slope Labeling command is available with options to label the %
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A new Slope Labeling command is available with options to label the % Slope, Degrees from Vertical, or Degrees from Horizontal along a line.
Select MsAnnotate | Add Line Labels | Label Slope from the menus, or type LABEL_SLOPE at the command line.
Draworder Wizard
Select MsTools | Draworder Wizard from the menus, or type DRAWORDERWIZARD at the command line.
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A new Draworder Wizard command is available to help you quickly fix the most common draworder issues, such as moving raster images and hatches to the back of your drawing, and moving wipeouts, blocks and annotations to the front.
Select MsTools | Draworder Wizard from the menus, or type DRAWORDERWIZARD at the command line.
Import Improvements
When importing an ASCII coordinate file, an Abort option is now available on the point protection dialog.
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When importing a FieldGenius or TDS raw file containing GK (GPS stakeout) records, they are now imported into the traverse file.
When recoordinating a traverse file, an Abort option is now available on the point protection dialog.
When importing an ASCII coordinate file, an Abort option is now available on the point protection dialog.
List Unused Points in Range
Select MsPoints | List Points (Used and Unused) | List Unused Points, or type LIST_UNUSED at the command line.
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The List Unused Points command has a new option to specify a point range for your search.
Select MsPoints | List Points (Used and Unused) | List Unused Points, or type LIST_UNUSED at the command line.
Import Leica DBX
Import points, linework, and raw TPS/GPS observation data directly from Leica DBX databases.
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Import points, linework, and raw TPS/GPS observation data directly from Leica DBX databases.
Select MsTraverse | Read Collector Files In | Leica DBX from the menus, or type DBXIN at the command line.
Ladder Table Report
Write a ladder table report showing station and offset values for selected points in a ladder format.
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Write a ladder table report showing station and offset values for selected points in a ladder format.
Select MsTools | Print/Edit/View Reports | Ladder Table from the menus, or type LADDER_TABLE at the command line.